8/2023 Mastercom 8/2023 Octavian Diaconu - Augmented Reality in Marketing: Exploring Applications and Impact with a Focus on Real Estate pag. 7 Andrada Maria Nemțoc - Vodafone's Involvement in Promoting Technical Innovation. Case study: Salvamont–Vodafone pag. 16 Andreea-Ioana Dodon - The Impact of Storytelling in Advertising Videos. Case study: Nike videos and Adidas videos pag. 22 Cristina-Maria ECOBICI - Aesthetic and Functional Particularities in the Design of Graphical User Interfaces for Mobile Devices pag. 27 Emilian-Ionuț Porumb - Graphics Processes Dedicated to 3D Character Design pag. 50 Larisa-Corina Sima - Methods of Promotion through Social Media pag. 62 Ramona Chiseliță - The role of portraying businesswomen in communication. Case study: Perceptions in the Romanian business environment pag. 73 Ana Ilie-Otiman - Student Entrepreneurial Societies - Catalysts of Entrepreneurial Culture in Romania. Case study: the Communication of the Universities of Timișoara SESs pag. 80 Alexandra Dennisa Munteanu - The Impact of Leadership on Organizational Productivity pag. 93 Nicola-Caius Agavriloae - The Role and Importance of Communicationin the Recruitment Process pag. 101 Raluca Ilisie - Analysis and Optimization of the Event Organization Process.Case study: PoliKids Fest 2023 pag. 109 Paula Peev-Otiman - The Revival of Tourism Brands in the Post-pandemicContext. Solutions for Economic Actors in the Banat Mountain Area pag. 116 Ana-Maria Silvia Oprea - Analysis of Communications in Solar Energy pag. 125 Simona Zetea - Local Economic Develpment through Traditional Trade:A Sustainable Approach pag. 130