Buletin științific

Editorial address:

Politehnica University of Timişoara
Dept. of Communication and Foreign Languages
Str. Petre Râmneanţu (Oltul) nr.2, A204,
300596 Timişoara
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The languages of publication are English, French or German. The length of the article may range between 3000 and 5000 words, excluding references. Please prepare your article using Word 2010 or a later version, following the template (Camera Ready Paper) available for download below.

All articles should be accompanied by a Contributor Data Sheet and by a Copyright Transfer Agreement. By submitting a paper to this journal, authors certify that the manuscript has not been submitted to, nor is it under consideration for publication by any other journal, conference proceedings, or similar publications.

There are no fees for authors regarding the submission and processing of their manuscripts. All papers submitted for publication are blindly reviewed by two members of the review board. Upon acceptance and after publication, the articles will be available for download free of charge on the Bulletin page.


Call for papers
Camera ready paper
Contribuitor data sheet
Copyright agreement


Editor-in-chief / Redactor şef
Prof. Dr. Daniel DEJICA, Politehnica University of Timişoara, Romania
Editorial board / Colegiul de redacţie
Prof. Dr. Kirk ST.AMANT, Louisiana Tech University, USA
Prof. Dr. Ramune Kaspere, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Dr. Anamaria DASCĂLU-ROMIȚAN, Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania
Dr. Carlo EUGENI, University of Leeds, UK
Dr. Marcela FĂRCAȘIU, Politehnica University of Timişoara, Romania
Dr. Walter GIORDANO, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy
Dr. Najwa HAMAOUI, University of Mons, Belgium
Dr. Annamaria KILYENI, Politehnica University of Timişoara, Romania
Dr. Jozef ŠTEFČÍK, University of Economics, Bratislava, Slovakia
Dr. Bledar TOSKA, University of Vlora, Albania
Editorial secretary / Secretar de redacţie
Dr. Claudia Elena STOIAN, Politehnica University of Timişoara, Romania
Scientific Board / Referenţi Ştiinţifici
Prof. Dr. Daniel DEJICA, Politehnica University of Timişoara, Romania
Prof. Dr. Gyde HANSEN, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Prof. Dr. Debra JOURNET, University of Louisville, USA
Prof. Dr. Vlasta KUČIŠ, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Prof. Dr. Anthony O'KEEFFE, Bellarmine University, USA
Prof. Dr. Mirela Cristina POP, Politehnica University of Timişoara, Romania
Prof. Dr. Loredana PUNGĂ, University of the West, Timişoara, Romania
Prof. Dr. Simona ȘIMON, Politehnica University of Timişoara, Romania
Prof. Dr. Hayssam SAFAR, University of Mons, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Titela VÎLCEANU, University of Craiova, Romania
Dr. Ludmila BRANIȘTE, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Dr. Valentina BUDINCIC, Alfa BK University, Belgrade, Serbia
Dr. Annette DJUROVIC, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Dr. Tamar DOLIDZE, Batumi State Maritime Academy, Georgia
Dr. Ada GRUNTAR JERMOL, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dr. David Erland ISAKSEN, University of South-Eastern Norway
Dr. Roberto Martinez MATEO, University of Castilla-La-Mancha, Cuenca, Spain
Dr. Armela PANAJOTI, University of Vlora, Albania
Dr. Ioan Lucian POPA, Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau, Romania
Dr. Andreea SĂRMAȘIU, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Angela SAVIN-ZGARDAN, Free International University from Moldova, Moldova


The Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timişoara is a direct successor of the Bulletin Scientifique de l’Ecole Polytechnique de Timişoara, which was started in 1923. The Transactions on Modern Languages is published by of the Department of Communication and Foreign Languages of the Politehnica University of Timişoara.

The Transactions on Modern Languages publishes original papers and reviews in all areas of theoretical and applied linguistics, including discourse analysis, pragmatics, rhetoric, terminology, languages for special purposes, foreign language teaching, and also translation and interpreting studies.

The journal, published as one volume per year, is included in the following databases: CEEOL, EBSCO, ERIHPLUS, Europeana, Google Scholar, MLA, ULRICH'S and WorldCat.  The languages of publication are English, French or German.

ISSN: 1583-7467

Google Scholar Profile

‪Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timişoara‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

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The Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timişoara, Transactions on Modern Languages, publishes high-quality scholarly papers. The SB Code of Ethics describes the journal policies for ensuring the ethical treatment of Author(s) and the publication process. Authors are encouraged to read these guidelines and address any questions or concerns to the editor-in-chief, at sb.tml*upt.ro. These guidelines apply to manuscripts submitted to SB and may be revised at any time by the Editors. Commitment to ethical professional conduct is expected from every researcher. The research work should neither neglect nor discriminate against individuals and groups who may benefit from advances in research.

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The Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timişoara, Transactions on Modern Languages, provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Its entire electronic content is freely available without charge to users and/or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of Open Access.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Article submission


Editorial matter


Interrogativity: Problematological Model and Applied Technique - Cosmin-Constantin BĂIAȘ

 pag. 5
Analysis of the Effect of Intercultural Communication on the Quality of Internal Audit: A Literature Review - Karima BOUZIANE, Abdelmounim BOUZIANE  pag. 15

Deepfake and Media Ethics - Sorin SUCIU

 pag. 24

Exploring Linguistic Strategies in Romanian Clickbait Headlines: Communication Tactics in Online Media - Marcela Alina FĂRCAȘIU, Vasile GHERHEȘ  pag. 31

Mental Translation, a Cognitive Process in Communicative Language Teaching and Learning - Adriana TOMA

 pag. 43
Linguistic Convergence: Medical Terms and Poetry in Translation - Oana GĂIANU-LUCA  pag. 51

Les principaux défis en interprétation simultanée  - Andrea KRISTON

 pag. 60
Was sollte man Studierenden beibringen, um Übersetzungsschwierigkeiten in technischen Texten im Deutschen zu überwinden - Maria-Dana GROSSECK  pag. 70

Student Engagement in ESP Classes - Mirela COSTELEANU

 pag. 76
Addressing the Challenges of Generative AI in
English Language Teaching - Ramona BRAN, Gabriela GROSSECK
 pag. 82

Plurality of Voices and Cultural Diversity in the Modern Educational Setting - Laura IONICA

 pag. 94

E-learning as a Modern Tool in the Shifting Landscape of Language Teaching - Laviniu Costinel LĂPĂDAT, Maria-Magdalena LĂPĂDAT

 pag. 101

Development of written communication skills through creative writing - level A1 - Maria SIMINA-SUCIU

 pag. 115

Der Einsatz digitaler Medien beim Lehr-/Lernprozess im Hochschulbereich - Andrea Susanne STANCU

 pag. 123
Gheltofan, Daniela. 2021. Mic dicționar de cuvinte- realia rusești și corespondențele lor lexico-frazeologice românești - Simona ȘIMON  pag. 135
Sărmașiu, Andreea Maria. 2024. Investigating the Translatability of Legal Texts - Daniel DEJICA  pag. 138







Editorial matter


Georgiana Silvia LEOTESCU - Communicating Meaning across High- and Low- Context Cultures – a Comparative Analysis  pag. 5
Simona CONSTANTINOVICI - Sommelier d'eau. Quelques considérations sur le lexique des nouveaux métiers   pag. 14
Veronica CÂMPIAN, Sabrina SCHULLER - Das Bild der Sinti und Roma Minderheit aus Rumänien im öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk in Deutschland

 pag. 26

Anca DEJICA-CARȚIȘ - Aspekte der Sprache. Besonderheiten des deutschen Nomens.  pag. 41
Claudia TULCAN - Die Sprache in Herta Müllers Collagen  pag. 50
Denisa UNGUREAN, Loredana PUNGĂ - Challenges of Setting up a Legal Translation Quality Assessment System  pag. 65
Cristina VARGA - Classification of Automatic Subtitling Tools. A Proposal  pag. 79
Raluca GHENȚULESCU - T(y)ranslators – Agents of Authority and Censorship in Translation  pag. 95
Mihai Robert RUSU - Medical translation and terminology issues  pag. 106
Mirela-Cristina POP - La traduction spécialisée dans la littérature et dans les pages web professionnelles de traduction de langue française  pag. 111
Laura IONICA - Digital literacy and information dissemination in ESP classes  pag. 120
Mirela COSTELEANU - The Use of Sarcasm in ESP Classes   pag. 126
Irina-Ana DROBOT - Digital Culture and Using Social Media Posts in Foreign Language Learning  pag. 133
Laviniu Costinel LĂPĂDAT, Maria-Magdalena LĂPĂDAT - The Importance of Motivation in Foreign Language Learning  pag. 142
Felix NICOLAU - The Epistemological Value of Histories of Translation  pag. 153








Editorial matter


Annamaria KILYENI, Daniel DEJICA, Simona ȘIMON, Marcela FĂRCAȘIU - Designing Skill Cards for New Professions: Easy-to-read Facilitators and Validators  pag. 5
Georgiana Silvia LEOTESCU - Language and its Role in Bridging International Communication  pag. 16
Marcela-Alina FĂRCAȘIU, Vasile GHERHEȘ, Mariana CERNICOVA-BUCA - Communicative Aspects of Public Health Campaigns: A Content Analysis of the Pro-vaccination Campaign in Romania during the COVID-19 Pandemic

 pag. 23

Laura IONICĂ - War Terminology and its Psychological Impact  pag. 45
Loredana PUNGĂ, Marius GOLEA - The Complexity of Metaphor Translation. A Case Study  pag. 54
Maria Cristina MIUȚESCU - Input and Output as Reflected in Postgraduate Translation-Oriented Training. An ESP-Centred Approach  pag. 69
Mihai Robert RUSU - Operative Interfaces of English for Medical Purposes. Linguistic and Translational Perspectives  pag. 81
Claudia Elena STOIAN - Analysing the source text: A first step for a successful translation  pag. 89
Anca Monica STANCIU - L’apport de la Technologie dans la Traduction Juridique  pag. 103
Mirela COSTELEANU - The Role of Listening in ESP Classes  pag. 117
Mohamed Ramadhan HASHIM - Teaching Grammar in Iraqi Secondary Schools by Using the Communicative Approach  pag. 124
Marija STEVKOVSKA - Managing Hybrid Learning with Large Groups during the COVID-19 Pandemic  pag. 138
Ludmila BRANIȘTE - Educational Quizz Platforms for Romanian as a Foreign Language: A Case Study of Kahoot  pag. 150
Andreea PELE, Ramona BRAN - Testing Memes as a Teaching Tool  pag. 159
Anca DEJICA-CARȚIȘ- Interkulturelle Kommunikation im DaF-Unterricht  pag. 166
Andrea Susanne STANCU - Themenauswahl und Lernziele im Fach Cultură și civilizație germană an rumänischen Hochschulen  pag. 173
Simona ȘIMON - Book Review: FĂRCAŞIU MARCELA ALINA. 2015. Language in the Courtroom: A Comparative Study of American and Romanian Criminal Trials  pag. 181
Maria Cristina MIUȚESCU - Book review: MERILĂ, ISABELA (ed). 2020. Romanian Contributions to English for Specific Purposes  pag. 185
Veronica CÂMPIAN - Book review: DEJICA-CARȚIȘ, ANCA. 2020. Deutsch für den Beruf. Lehr-und Arbeitsbuch für Studierende der Studienrichtung: Komunikation und PR.  pag. 188




Editorial matter


Loredana-Marcela TRANCĂ - New Trends in the Communication of Social Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic  pag. 5
Daniela GHELTOFAN - Fantastic Realia: Some Lexical Correspondences (Russian-Romanian)  pag. 16
Karina Bianca Ioana HAUER - Language approaches to the study of meteorology

 pag. 29

Cristina VARGA - Online Automatic Subtitling Platforms and Machine Translation. An Analysis of Quality in AVT  pag. 37
Raul PAȘCALĂU, Daniel DEJICA - The Efficient Translation Flow, a Key to Successful Business  pag. 50
Irina-Ana DROBOT - Translating Literature Using Machine Translation: Is It Really Possible?  pag. 57
Liana Georgiana MOGA - Literary Translation and Rewriting – Challenges and Perspectives  pag. 65
Olivia CHIROBOCEA-TUDOR - Translation as a Vocabulary Teaching Aid in ESP  pag. 76
Elena-Laura VULPOIU - Audiovisual Translators and the Skills Needed for this Profession in Romania  pag. 88
Oana-Maria PUIU - A Translation-Oriented Approach to Person Deixis  pag. 100
Gyde HANSEN - Rumänische Diakritika und maschinelle Übersetzung Klein aber noch wichtig?  pag. 110
Anca DEJICA-CARȚIȘ - Das Übersetzen von wirtschaftlichen Fachbegriffen im internationalen Kontext  pag. 119
Valentina BUDINČIĆ - Teaching Advanced Business English Writing Skills in the Digital Environment  pag. 129
Iulia Cristina FRÎNCULESCU - Watching Exercises for Teaching the Terminology of Clinical Procedures in English for Medical Purposes Classes  pag. 138
Maria Cristina MIUȚESCU - The Impact of Interlingual Equivalence on Vocabulary Development. A Case Study on the Acquisition of Specialised (Technical) Lexis  pag. 148
Mihaela POPESCU - Le numérique dans l’enseignement/apprentissage du Français Langue Professionnelle  pag. 158
Mihaela COZMA - Book Review: Imre, Attila. 2020. An Introduction to Translator Studies. Brașov: “Transilvania” University Publishing House.  pag. 168
Cosmin-Constantin BĂIAȘ - Book Review: Ciurel, Daniel. 2020. Cultura media. Perspective retorice. Bucureşti: Editura Tritonic  pag. 172




Editorial matter


Mariana CERNICOVA-BUCĂ - Communication and linguistic competences for middle management: a content analysis of job advertisements  pag. 5
Cosmin-Constantin BĂIAȘ - The Problem of Evaluation in the Rhetorical Criticism  pag. 15
Daniela GHELTOFAN - Some Historical Realia in Russian and Romanian: Lexical and Phraseological Correspondences

 pag. 23

Hassiba CHAIBI - L’humour dans les représentations caricaturales  pag. 33
Andreea Rodica RUTHNER - Interkulturelle Verhältnisse in Rumänien: Organisationen und Parteien der ethnischen Minderheiten  pag. 43
 Daniel DEJICA - Understanding Technical and Scientific Translation:
A Genre-based Approach
 pag. 56
Marius GOLEA, Loredana PUNGĂ - Collocations as Manifestations of Sociolect and Idiolect in Religious Discourse. A Translation-Oriented Perspective  pag. 67
Mihaela COZMA - On the Usefulness of the Pragmatic Perspective in Translation: the case of the Speech Acts in the EU Legal Texts  pag. 75
Mirela-Cristina POP - Le concept de médiation en langues et en traduction  pag. 86
Mariana PITAR - Sur la cohésion interne des termes complexes. Quelques matrices de formation  pag. 92
 Andrea KRISTON - La prise de notes - une approche pratique à l’interprétation consécutive  pag. 104
 Lelia ACHOURI - Les représentations des étudiants algériens vis-à-vis la langue française  pag. 115
 Simona ȘIMON - Book Review: Vîlceanu, Titela. 2017. Dynamic Interfaces of Translation, Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication  pag. 126
 Marcela Alina FĂRCAȘIU - Book Review: Șimon, Simona, Claudia E. Stoian, Anca Dejica-Carțiș, Andrea Kriston. 2018. A Multilingual Dictionary of Education: English-German-French-Romanian  pag. 131
 Alexandru ORAVIȚAN - Book Review: Jumanca, Romanița. 2018. Characteristics of the English and Romanian Legal Discourse. A Comparative Approach  pag. 135
 Claudia E. STOIAN - Book Review: Gherheș, Vasile. 2018. Absolvenți, profesioniști, specialiști. Slalom printre experiențe  pag. 138

