
       Muguraș MOCOFAN, Politehnica University Timişoara, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
       Mugurel Gabriel DRAGOMIR, Politehnica University Timişoara, Faculty of Communication Sciences
       Lavinia SUCIU, Politehnica University Timişoara, Faculty of Communication Sciences
       Marcela FARCAȘIU, Politehnica University Timişoara, Faculty of Communication Sciences
       Annamaria KILYENI, Politehnica University Timişoara, Faculty of Communication Sciences

MASTERCOM – Politehnica Graduate Student Journal of Communication (ISSN 2501-949X) is an open access journal that gathers the scientific contributions of the students enrolled in the master’s programs at the Faculty of Communication Science, Politehnica University Timişoara: Communication, Public Relations and Digital Media, and Business Communication (starting with issue 5/2020). Its main goal is to disseminate early or in-progress research findings in the fields of communication and digital media, and business communication, and to foster further research.


Mastercom 9/2024

Brigitta Viola Csáki - Empathic Communication as a Negotiation Technique within the Human Resources Department. Case Study: FORVIA HELLA  pag. 8
Andreea Ișfan - Diversity and Inclusion in Romanian Organisations  pag. 17
Larisa Loredana Munteanu - The Importance of Online Communities for Business Success. Case Study: Companies in Romania

 pag. 23

Amina Poterașu - The Realities of Corporate Social Responsibility. Case Study: Patagonia and Volkswagen Companies  pag. 33
Adelina Anamaria Petrilă - Political Advertising on Social Media  pag. 50
Denis Florinel Prună - The Role of Humour in TikTok Communication  pag. 59
 Andreea Veleanu - Reading from Digital to Analogue.
The Influence of Social Media
 pag. 73
 Maria Magdalena Grigorof - Customers’ Perception of Electronic Services
in McDonald’s Restaurants
 pag. 82
Alexandra Irina Bacîtea - The Role of Social Media in Promoting Timișoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture  pag. 92
 Alexandra Maria Gîtman - Intention and Effect in Advertising. An Analysis of Rituals' Advertising Discourse  pag. 103
Cristina Lavinia Măciucă - Comparative Study of the Impact of the Visual Message Used in University Promotion  pag. 113
Laura Maria Sîrbu - Analysis of the Innovative Factor in Branding  pag. 129
Denisa Uscatu - Shaping Economic Growth: The Role of Government Communication and the Media  pag. 141
 Ionica Vălimăreanu - Events for Children Within Timișoara 2023 –
European Capital of Culture: Online Visibility
 pag. 148
Ovidiu Darius Voița - Promoting Anti-EU Attitudes in the Romanian Digital Space  pag. 159
Adela Celine Voicu-Dungan - Artificial Intelligence as a PR Tool: A Case Study  pag. 170
Andreea Elena Anescu - The Role of Telecommunication Technologies
in Communication
 pag. 178
Laura Borșoș - A Comparative Analysis of Online Web Development Tutorials  pag. 186
Maria Galdea - The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Graphic Design  pag. 193
Mihaela Nicoleta Ianuș - A Comparative Analysis of Models in Communication Systems and the Modelling of Communication Techniques  pag. 211
Romina Roxana Kolarovszki-Ion - The UX/UI Process in Designing a Language Learning Platform  pag. 216
Teodora Pocol - The Impact of 3D Technology on Communication  pag. 228
Paula Nicoleta Staicu - The Role of Content Design in Web Pages  pag. 241
Claudia Monica Trăistaru - Augmented Reality Experiences in Graphic Design  pag. 246


Mastercom 8/2023

Octavian Diaconu - Augmented Reality in Marketing: Exploring Applications and Impact with a Focus on Real Estate  pag. 7
Andrada Maria Nemțoc - Vodafone's Involvement in Promoting Technical Innovation. Case study: Salvamont–Vodafone  pag. 16
Andreea-Ioana Dodon - The Impact of Storytelling in Advertising Videos. Case study: Nike videos and Adidas videos

 pag. 22

Cristina-Maria ECOBICI - Aesthetic and Functional Particularities in the Design of Graphical User Interfaces for Mobile Devices  pag. 27
Emilian-Ionuț Porumb - Graphics Processes Dedicated to 3D Character Design  pag. 50
Larisa-Corina Sima - Methods of Promotion through Social Media  pag. 62
Ramona Chiseliță - The role of portraying businesswomen in communication. Case study: Perceptions in the Romanian business environment  pag. 73
Ana Ilie-Otiman - Student Entrepreneurial Societies - Catalysts of Entrepreneurial Culture in Romania. Case study: the Communication of the Universities of Timișoara SESs  pag. 80
Alexandra Dennisa Munteanu - The Impact of Leadership on Organizational Productivity  pag. 93
Nicola-Caius Agavriloae - The Role and Importance of Communication
in the Recruitment Process
 pag. 101
Raluca Ilisie - Analysis and Optimization of the Event Organization Process.
Case study: PoliKids Fest 2023
 pag. 109
Paula Peev-Otiman - The Revival of Tourism Brands in the Post-pandemic
Context. Solutions for Economic Actors in the Banat Mountain Area
 pag. 116
Ana-Maria Silvia Oprea - Analysis of Communications in Solar Energy  pag. 125
Simona Zetea - Local Economic Develpment through Traditional Trade:
A Sustainable Approach
 pag. 130



Pag 1-4  
Cristina Alina Enea - Corporate Social Responsibility in Romanian Companies

 pag. 8

Iasmina-Nicoleta Haiduc - The Influence of CSR Actions on Company Reputation. Case Study: Company Image Before and After the Implementation of  the CSR Program  pag. 21
Ana-Lăcrămioara REBELI-SZABO - The Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility Actions in Romania. Case Study of 2019 and 2020  pag. 31
Rebecca Ioana CHINCEA - The Role of Online Tools in Communication. Case Study: Negotiation in the Real Estate Business  pag. 39
Lorena Camelia BALICA - Communication in Attracting Employees within Corporations. Case Study: - Analysis of the Way of Communication of 10 Multinationals with Subsidiaries in Romania  pag. 47
Vanesa-Andrada CARABIN - The Effects of the SARS-Cov-2 Pandemic on Consumerism and Online Shopping  pag. 57
Anuta IVANCUS - Improving Communication. Case study: Anti-COVID Speech for Young People  pag. 67
Livian R. HOTICO - Insurance Company Consultants’ Reflections on their Activity  in the Conditions Imposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic  pag. 81
Andreea LUKIČ - Communication of the Social Assistance and Child Protective Services of Timis County with the Media, during the Sars CoV-2 Health Crisis  pag. 96
Raluca CODREAN - A Debate on the Role of Social Media in Business Communication  pag. 107
Antonia Patricia BURDULEA - The Role and Importance of Online Communication in the Business Environment  pag. 115
Andreea-Constantina SAVA - Symbolism in Visual Communication  pag. 123
Aurica ANDREESCU - The Digitalization of Organizational Communication  pag. 135
Ana-Maria VLĂDESCU - The Influence of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership. Case Study: Barack Obama  pag. 145
Bianca-Gabriela HORGA - Promotion Actions in the Activity of a Sports Start-up  pag. 153
Daiana LUPU - Art and Science in Leadership  pag. 161
Laura COLȚIȘ - Offline and Online Coffee Promotion. Case Study: Starbucks  pag. 173
Alina-Dalia NEICONI - Ethics and Marketing Policy. Aggressive Advertising  pag.  185



Pag 1-4  
Ana-Lăcrămioara Rebeli-Szabo - Banca Transilvania and Banca Comercială Română in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Social Involvement Actions

 pag. 7

Adela Lăcrămioara Lazăr - Sustainability in the Activity of the Retailers in Romania  pag. 21
Iasmina-Andreea Lele - Ecological Concerns in the Discourse
of the Fashion Industry
 pag. 27
Andreea Maria Pașca - The Role and Importance of Communication
in the Doctor-Patient Relationship
 pag. 36
Camelia-Viviana Vișan - Ethical Aspects Concerning Inditex’s Business Practices  pag. 46
Miruna-Narcisa Pașca - Ethos and Strategies for Strengthening Credibility in Leaders  pag. 53
Bleoju Marioara - Graphical Design in Public Speaking  pag. 65
Isabela Lavinia Răpeși - Digital Products for Children. UXUI Design  pag. 78
Adina-Lorena Smarandache - Aesthetic and Functional Features of Book Cover Design  pag. 92
Ramona-Valeria Giurgiuca - Face-to-face Communication vs. Digital Communication. Case Study “Cărturești” and “Două Bufnițe” Bookshops  pag. 101
Cristina Budea - The Role of Online Communication in the Start and Growth of a Micro-enterprise. Case study: Dumblegift S.R.L.  pag. 107
Alexandra Diana Rafila - Online Communication Channels in a Company.
Case study: Bosch Service Solutions
 pag. 120
Georgiana - Maria Sîrca - Online Promotion Strategies Used by Iulius Town Timișoara  pag. 128
Lorena Dumitru - Social Media Advertising During the COVID-19 Pandemic  pag. 138
Anka-Roxana Șuba - Online Social Networks and Social Capital. Case Study: Facebook  pag. 146
Andreea-Mihaela Cepoi - Communicating Social Issues through Social Media: Strategies to Increase Visibility on Social Media  pag. 158
Amalia Cristiana Popovici - Instagram: from a Social Network to a Marketing Tool  pag. 166
Ioana-Roxana Toth - Communication Techniques for Brand Promotion in
the Digital Environment Case Study: Favisan and Gerocossen
 pag. 175 
Maria Diana Ungureanu - Public Relations in the Online Environment.
Transilvania Bank’s Online Promotion final
 pag. 186 
Maria Dorca Marițescu - The Impact of Using Online Questionnaires with Instant Response in the Educational Environment. Digital Interactivity during a Pandemic  pag. 197
Flavia Mezzetti, Ana-Maria Popescu - Crisis Communication in the Age of Digital Media  pag. 211

