Issues 9/2024 Mastercom 9/2024 Brigitta Viola Csáki - Empathic Communication as a Negotiation Technique within the Human Resources Department. Case Study: FORVIA HELLA pag. 8 Andreea Ișfan - Diversity and Inclusion in Romanian Organisations pag. 17 Larisa Loredana Munteanu - The Importance of Online Communities for Business Success. Case Study: Companies in Romania pag. 23 Amina Poterașu - The Realities of Corporate Social Responsibility. Case Study: Patagonia and Volkswagen Companies pag. 33 Adelina Anamaria Petrilă - Political Advertising on Social Media pag. 50 Denis Florinel Prună - The Role of Humour in TikTok Communication pag. 59 Andreea Veleanu - Reading from Digital to Analogue.The Influence of Social Media pag. 73 Maria Magdalena Grigorof - Customers’ Perception of Electronic Servicesin McDonald’s Restaurants pag. 82 Alexandra Irina Bacîtea - The Role of Social Media in Promoting Timișoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture pag. 92 Alexandra Maria Gîtman - Intention and Effect in Advertising. An Analysis of Rituals' Advertising Discourse pag. 103 Cristina Lavinia Măciucă - Comparative Study of the Impact of the Visual Message Used in University Promotion pag. 113 Laura Maria Sîrbu - Analysis of the Innovative Factor in Branding pag. 129 Denisa Uscatu - Shaping Economic Growth: The Role of Government Communication and the Media pag. 141 Ionica Vălimăreanu - Events for Children Within Timișoara 2023 –European Capital of Culture: Online Visibility pag. 148 Ovidiu Darius Voița - Promoting Anti-EU Attitudes in the Romanian Digital Space pag. 159 Adela Celine Voicu-Dungan - Artificial Intelligence as a PR Tool: A Case Study pag. 170 Andreea Elena Anescu - The Role of Telecommunication Technologiesin Communication pag. 178 Laura Borșoș - A Comparative Analysis of Online Web Development Tutorials pag. 186 Maria Galdea - The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Graphic Design pag. 193 Mihaela Nicoleta Ianuș - A Comparative Analysis of Models in Communication Systems and the Modelling of Communication Techniques pag. 211 Romina Roxana Kolarovszki-Ion - The UX/UI Process in Designing a Language Learning Platform pag. 216 Teodora Pocol - The Impact of 3D Technology on Communication pag. 228 Paula Nicoleta Staicu - The Role of Content Design in Web Pages pag. 241 Claudia Monica Trăistaru - Augmented Reality Experiences in Graphic Design pag. 246 8/2023 Mastercom 8/2023 Octavian Diaconu - Augmented Reality in Marketing: Exploring Applications and Impact with a Focus on Real Estate pag. 7 Andrada Maria Nemțoc - Vodafone's Involvement in Promoting Technical Innovation. Case study: Salvamont–Vodafone pag. 16 Andreea-Ioana Dodon - The Impact of Storytelling in Advertising Videos. Case study: Nike videos and Adidas videos pag. 22 Cristina-Maria ECOBICI - Aesthetic and Functional Particularities in the Design of Graphical User Interfaces for Mobile Devices pag. 27 Emilian-Ionuț Porumb - Graphics Processes Dedicated to 3D Character Design pag. 50 Larisa-Corina Sima - Methods of Promotion through Social Media pag. 62 Ramona Chiseliță - The role of portraying businesswomen in communication. Case study: Perceptions in the Romanian business environment pag. 73 Ana Ilie-Otiman - Student Entrepreneurial Societies - Catalysts of Entrepreneurial Culture in Romania. Case study: the Communication of the Universities of Timișoara SESs pag. 80 Alexandra Dennisa Munteanu - The Impact of Leadership on Organizational Productivity pag. 93 Nicola-Caius Agavriloae - The Role and Importance of Communicationin the Recruitment Process pag. 101 Raluca Ilisie - Analysis and Optimization of the Event Organization Process.Case study: PoliKids Fest 2023 pag. 109 Paula Peev-Otiman - The Revival of Tourism Brands in the Post-pandemicContext. Solutions for Economic Actors in the Banat Mountain Area pag. 116 Ana-Maria Silvia Oprea - Analysis of Communications in Solar Energy pag. 125 Simona Zetea - Local Economic Develpment through Traditional Trade:A Sustainable Approach pag. 130 7/2022 Mastercom 7/2022 6/2021 Cuprins Pag 1-4 Cristina Alina Enea - Corporate Social Responsibility in Romanian Companies pag. 8 Iasmina-Nicoleta Haiduc - The Influence of CSR Actions on Company Reputation. Case Study: Company Image Before and After the Implementation of the CSR Program pag. 21 Ana-Lăcrămioara REBELI-SZABO - The Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility Actions in Romania. Case Study of 2019 and 2020 pag. 31 Rebecca Ioana CHINCEA - The Role of Online Tools in Communication. Case Study: Negotiation in the Real Estate Business pag. 39 Lorena Camelia BALICA - Communication in Attracting Employees within Corporations. Case Study: - Analysis of the Way of Communication of 10 Multinationals with Subsidiaries in Romania pag. 47 Vanesa-Andrada CARABIN - The Effects of the SARS-Cov-2 Pandemic on Consumerism and Online Shopping pag. 57 Anuta IVANCUS - Improving Communication. Case study: Anti-COVID Speech for Young People pag. 67 Livian R. HOTICO - Insurance Company Consultants’ Reflections on their Activity in the Conditions Imposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic pag. 81 Andreea LUKIČ - Communication of the Social Assistance and Child Protective Services of Timis County with the Media, during the Sars CoV-2 Health Crisis pag. 96 Raluca CODREAN - A Debate on the Role of Social Media in Business Communication pag. 107 Antonia Patricia BURDULEA - The Role and Importance of Online Communication in the Business Environment pag. 115 Andreea-Constantina SAVA - Symbolism in Visual Communication pag. 123 Aurica ANDREESCU - The Digitalization of Organizational Communication pag. 135 Ana-Maria VLĂDESCU - The Influence of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership. Case Study: Barack Obama pag. 145 Bianca-Gabriela HORGA - Promotion Actions in the Activity of a Sports Start-up pag. 153 Daiana LUPU - Art and Science in Leadership pag. 161 Laura COLȚIȘ - Offline and Online Coffee Promotion. Case Study: Starbucks pag. 173 Alina-Dalia NEICONI - Ethics and Marketing Policy. Aggressive Advertising pag. 185 5/2020 Cuprins Pag 1-4 Ana-Lăcrămioara Rebeli-Szabo - Banca Transilvania and Banca Comercială Română in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Social Involvement Actions pag. 7 Adela Lăcrămioara Lazăr - Sustainability in the Activity of the Retailers in Romania pag. 21 Iasmina-Andreea Lele - Ecological Concerns in the Discourseof the Fashion Industry pag. 27 Andreea Maria Pașca - The Role and Importance of Communicationin the Doctor-Patient Relationship pag. 36 Camelia-Viviana Vișan - Ethical Aspects Concerning Inditex’s Business Practices pag. 46 Miruna-Narcisa Pașca - Ethos and Strategies for Strengthening Credibility in Leaders pag. 53 Bleoju Marioara - Graphical Design in Public Speaking pag. 65 Isabela Lavinia Răpeși - Digital Products for Children. UXUI Design pag. 78 Adina-Lorena Smarandache - Aesthetic and Functional Features of Book Cover Design pag. 92 Ramona-Valeria Giurgiuca - Face-to-face Communication vs. Digital Communication. Case Study “Cărturești” and “Două Bufnițe” Bookshops pag. 101 Cristina Budea - The Role of Online Communication in the Start and Growth of a Micro-enterprise. Case study: Dumblegift S.R.L. pag. 107 Alexandra Diana Rafila - Online Communication Channels in a Company.Case study: Bosch Service Solutions pag. 120 Georgiana - Maria Sîrca - Online Promotion Strategies Used by Iulius Town Timișoara pag. 128 Lorena Dumitru - Social Media Advertising During the COVID-19 Pandemic pag. 138 Anka-Roxana Șuba - Online Social Networks and Social Capital. Case Study: Facebook pag. 146 Andreea-Mihaela Cepoi - Communicating Social Issues through Social Media: Strategies to Increase Visibility on Social Media pag. 158 Amalia Cristiana Popovici - Instagram: from a Social Network to a Marketing Tool pag. 166 Ioana-Roxana Toth - Communication Techniques for Brand Promotion inthe Digital Environment Case Study: Favisan and Gerocossen pag. 175 Maria Diana Ungureanu - Public Relations in the Online Environment.Transilvania Bank’s Online Promotion final pag. 186 Maria Dorca Marițescu - The Impact of Using Online Questionnaires with Instant Response in the Educational Environment. Digital Interactivity during a Pandemic pag. 197 Flavia Mezzetti, Ana-Maria Popescu - Crisis Communication in the Age of Digital Media pag. 211 4/2019 Cuprins Pag 1-4 Ana - Maria Popescu - Digital Storytelling. The Impact of User - Generated Content in Social Media pag. 9 Andreea - Cristina Badalea - Lică - The Analysis of Quality Standards of the Online Translations. Case of the Naional Centers for Information and Tourist Promotion pag. 19 Ramona - Lenuța Crişan - Organizing the Content and Building the Relationship in Digital Communication pag. 29 Mihaela - Mădălina Boată - Personal and Professional use social media pag. 38 Anca Jurj - Insta - storz for Personal Branding and Product Promotion pag. 47 Daniela Marin - Instagram, A Tool to Keep the Artists' Popularity in the Romanian Music Industry. Case Study: Smiley and Irina Rimes pag. 56 Victoria - Paraschiva Debucean - Impact Methods for New Employees' Integration pag. 66 Iuliana Grazela Stroe - Generation Z - how can digital natives be influenced through online tools? pag. 73 Corneliu - Simidreanu - Digital Citizenship in Education pag. 82 Flavia Mezzetti - Visual Rebranding in the Cake Design Industry pag. 90 Vlad Mărăzan - Discursive strategies in communication of vulgarization of specialized information - communication of severe weather events pag. 107 3/2018 Cuprins Pag 1-4 Alina Elena Nicolii - The Analysis of the Manner of Communicating the Online Social Responsability by Petrom, Rompetrol, and MOL pag. 7 Gianina - Laura Corhan - Promoting Dance Groups in the Online Environment pag. 11 Gheorghe Cristian Lazăr - Online Promotion for Betting Services pag. 20 Laura Pop - An Analysis of Software Applications for the Online Management of the Academic Information pag. 26 Lorena Vasilescu - Great Rituals in Romanian Universities pag. 31 Izabela Anita Csanki - The Opening Speech in Romanian Public Universities pag. 38 Gabriela Popescu - The Impact of the New Technologies on the Language and Communication Habits of Young People pag. 51 Sebastian Laiu - Food & Travel in the Online Environment - The Influence of the Concept on the Young Generation pag. 56 Madalina Dariana Ștefănescu - Fake News and its Impact on the US Election Campaign of Donald Trump pag. 62 Andreea Damian - Proffesional Emails: Do's and Don'ts pag. 71 2/2017 Cuprins Pag 1-4 Ilinca Poliana - The Impact of Social Media on Higher Education: A Case Study of Cel pag. 7 Katalin Mihlay - Digital Showcase of a University Publishing House: Case Study pag. 16 Teodora Livia Boian - Building a Personal Brand in Social Media Environments pag. 25 Timea Gaal - A Guide to Social Media Images for Business pag. 36 Patricia Borlovan - The Importance of Integrated Communication Strategies for Tech and Business Events pag. 52 Corina Popovici - Mobile Applications in Culture pag. 64 Iulia - Maria Comsa - Promotion via Search Engine Optimization pag. 70 Cosmina - Georgiana Iorgoni - Usage of Mobile Telecommunication Technologies in Communication pag. 79 Alexandra Palaloga - The Online Visibility of After School Programs in Timișoara pag. 89 Cezara Barbes - Discursive Strategies in Online Promotion pag. 97 Alina Roxana Trif - Pet Products Marketing Campaign pag. 105 1/2016 MasterCom Pag 1 Pag 1-4 Cuprins Safta Ramona - Are People Ready for a Change in the Digital Age pag. 7 Apăteanu Claudia - Promoting Technical Higher Education Institutions on Social Media pag. 15 Antonia Zărnescu - Measurement and Evaluation Methods Used in Social Media Campaigns pag. 23 Alis Roxana Foca - Social Media Image Promotion Strategies Used by Timișoara Universities pag. 31 Andrada - Maria Igna - Analysis of the Commerce on Mobile Devices in Romania pag. 41 Luminița Emanoil - The Blog, a Company Promotion Tool pag. 51 Mădălina Albu - Neuro-linguistic Programming in Promoting the Cultural Object in the Digital Environment pag. 63 Andreea Sicoe - From Identity to Reputation in the Inline Environment: A Comparative Analysis pag. 71 Albu Mădălina, Emanoil Luminița - Discourse Strategies. Pathemisation through Digital Media pag. 79 George-Cristian Samoilă - The Informative Dimension of Product Launch Press Releases pag. 89 Codruța - Manuela Bogdan - Ways to Make Organisational Communication More Efficient in Rural Areas pag. 99 Tatiana Luchian - Comparative Analysis Between different English Exams: CAMBRIDGE, IELTS, TOEFL pag. 105