19/2020 Editorial matter Mariana CERNICOVA-BUCĂ - Communication and linguistic competences for middle management: a content analysis of job advertisements pag. 5 Cosmin-Constantin BĂIAȘ - The Problem of Evaluation in the Rhetorical Criticism pag. 15 Daniela GHELTOFAN - Some Historical Realia in Russian and Romanian: Lexical and Phraseological Correspondences pag. 23 Hassiba CHAIBI - L’humour dans les représentations caricaturales pag. 33 Andreea Rodica RUTHNER - Interkulturelle Verhältnisse in Rumänien: Organisationen und Parteien der ethnischen Minderheiten pag. 43 Daniel DEJICA - Understanding Technical and Scientific Translation:A Genre-based Approach pag. 56 Marius GOLEA, Loredana PUNGĂ - Collocations as Manifestations of Sociolect and Idiolect in Religious Discourse. A Translation-Oriented Perspective pag. 67 Mihaela COZMA - On the Usefulness of the Pragmatic Perspective in Translation: the case of the Speech Acts in the EU Legal Texts pag. 75 Mirela-Cristina POP - Le concept de médiation en langues et en traduction pag. 86 Mariana PITAR - Sur la cohésion interne des termes complexes. Quelques matrices de formation pag. 92 Andrea KRISTON - La prise de notes - une approche pratique à l’interprétation consécutive pag. 104 Lelia ACHOURI - Les représentations des étudiants algériens vis-à-vis la langue française pag. 115 Simona ȘIMON - Book Review: Vîlceanu, Titela. 2017. Dynamic Interfaces of Translation, Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication pag. 126 Marcela Alina FĂRCAȘIU - Book Review: Șimon, Simona, Claudia E. Stoian, Anca Dejica-Carțiș, Andrea Kriston. 2018. A Multilingual Dictionary of Education: English-German-French-Romanian pag. 131 Alexandru ORAVIȚAN - Book Review: Jumanca, Romanița. 2018. Characteristics of the English and Romanian Legal Discourse. A Comparative Approach pag. 135 Claudia E. STOIAN - Book Review: Gherheș, Vasile. 2018. Absolvenți, profesioniști, specialiști. Slalom printre experiențe pag. 138