Registration deadline*: March 1, 2025
Conference fees**:
Onsite participation: 400 RON / 80 EUR
Onsite participation (accompanying person, without paper presentation): 300 RON / 60 EUR
Online participation: 250 RON / 50 EUR
Additional paper***: 50 RON / 10 EUR
*Full registration implies payment of the conference fee and submission of the registration form. Please note that the participants who do not pay the conference fee by March 1, 2025 will not be included in the final draft of the conference programme.
**The fee covers the conference folder, the certificate of attendance, the refreshments during coffee breaks, the lunch and the cocktail dinner on April 3, for one conference participant. If co-authors attend, each of them has to register. Participants are kindly asked to cover all bank transfer costs. Online participants will receive a digital certificate of attendance.
***Each participant may present no more than two papers at the conference.
The fee shall be paid into the following bank account:
str. Ștefan Octavian Iosif, bl. 8/A, ap. 2, Timișoara
VAT code (CUI): 24798296
RON account IBAN: RO61BTRL03601205H42403XX
EURO account IBAN: RO62BTRLEURCRT00H4240301
BANCA TRANSILVANIA Sucursala Timisoara.
Address: Str. Coriolan Brediceanu Nr. 10
Building E /City Business Center
Please mention: PCTS14 and the name of the participant.
The payment confirmation shall be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.